Jamm Junkyard


About Us

Our Experience Helping You Find The Parts You Need Say It All

 We are a used auto parts retailer centrally located in broward county servicing your used auto parts needs. With over 30 years experience in the used auto parts business you will get honest, friendly and knowledgeable staff to help you with whatever part you’re looking for.
We service Body shops, mechanics shops, car dealerships and individuals. We offer full service to help you get what you need. No need to waste your valuable time and money to pull the parts yourself. Our experienced staff has the knowledge to remove the parts professionally and put them in your hands to get you on your way.
Our prices are very competitive and we stock a full range of vehicles to choose from. Check out our inventory here or follow us on our social media to get updates and alerts when new inventory arrives. 
OEM used Auto Parts

Our knowledgeable personnel takes care of every step from finding to removing the parts you need.

Our History

Located in Davie, Florida,  JAMM Automotive is a full-service junkyard dedicated to providing South Florida with high-quality used auto parts. We pride ourselves on offering a wide range of parts for various vehicles, ensuring that our customers can find exactly what they need, at a fraction of the cost of new parts.

At JAMM Automotive, we’re not just in the business of selling auto parts; we’re continuing a family tradition of service, expertise, and community. Whether you’re a local mechanic, a DIY enthusiast, or someone looking for a hard-to-find part, we’re here to help you keep your vehicle running smoothly.

Visit us today and experience the JAMM Automotive difference .